Thanks for dropping by.
The GA4 Event Schema Org is an independent, community-driven initiative. Our goal is to create a set of universally- or at least broadly-adopted naming conventions for custom events and parameters in Google Analytics 4 (GA4 to its friends).
Google has already defined a number of “standard” events, however this list is by no means complete or exhaustive. We believe there are lots of benefits to be gained from further standardisation and alignment across the industry.
The schema
- Custom Events
- Custom Parameters
- User Properties
How to get involved
Anyone is free to make suggestions or requests for new custom events and parameters, using this Google Form. Make sure you leave your email so we can let you know when your suggestion or request has been reviewed.
If you’d like to join the conversation, you can view the Discussion in Github. You’ll need a Github account to post a comment. Create a free account here if you don’t already have one - no coding skills required.
We are considering creating a public channel on Measure Slack - once we have the bandwidth to monitor it and respond in a timely way!
If you’d like to participate in the panel to review and ratify new suggestions and requests, please email us. Naturally, this requires a good level of understanding of GA4 custom events and parameters and a commitment to remaining actively involved. At some point we may need to limit numbers to make it workable, but there’s plenty of room around the table right now.
Finally, anyone with the skills and inclination can propose edits to this website and the supporting wiki. You can peek under the hood in the Github repository here.
Who stands to gain from standards?
- Analytics consultancies, agencies and independent contractors
- In-house marketing and analytics teams
- Independent software developers building applications and tools to augment and integrate with GA4
A standard set of custom events and parameters will enable easier orientation, faster implementation, greater confidence in data and more innovation.
Operating principles
We will operate following Open Source principles, set out in greater detail in the Open Source Way.
To summarise:
- Transparency. Giving everyone access to all the information we have, publishing on this site and the Github repository that sits behind it.
- Collaboration. Working with anyone and everyone who wants to get involved in an open, positive way.
- Release early and often. An iterative approach will lead to better outcomes. We’ll learn more from doing than talking.
- Inclusive meritocracy. Diverse perspectives are essential. Good ideas can come from anywhere and the best ideas should win.
- Community Common goals supersede individual interests and agendas.
Who exactly is the “we”?
The GA4 Event Schema Org was originally conceived by a bunch of people at the UK-based analytics consultancy, Measurelab. Daniel Perry-Reed, Julian Erbsloeh, Lace Rogers, Liam Grant, Mark Rochefort and Steven Elliott have contributed thus far. Join us!
Contact us
You can send an email to Dan at Measurelab and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for the interest!